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José of Fakofa forwards

W S Churchward. José of Fakaofa concerning complaints

WPHC 4/IV 123/1884. Great Britain. High Commission for Western Pacific Islands.
Western Pacific archives. 1877-1978. MSS & Archives 2003/1, Special Collections,
The University of Auckland Libraries and Lending Services.

Dep. Comm Churchwood

José of Fakofa forwards
information suspecting

Dated 8 July
Rec. 24 July

Deputy Commissioner’s Office
Samoa 8th July 1884

Her Britannic Majesty’s
High Commissioner
On the Western Pacific

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of a [unintelligible] despatch of the 7th May 1884 enclosing a letter to José of Fakaofa concerning complaints made against him and which I have duly forwarded this day.

I find, on inquiry, that José is a son of one Antonio Pereira a native of the Cape de Verde Islands whose name appears in the Consular Archives signed to a proclamation issued by In Consul Williams a copy of which I have the honour to inclose.

Joses name does not appear at all

He is 45 years old and trades for the principae German Firm here.

His mother was a Samoan

I have the honour to be
Your Excellency’s most obedient
Humble servant

W S Churchward
Acting Deputy Commissioner

In accordance with paragraph V of Proclamation issued January 13th 1876 viz

V. Foreigners in Samoa belonging to any nation which has no representative in the country shall be entitled to obtain protection from any Consul in Samoa that they may choose provided always consent to such protection be obtained from such representative but under such circumstances it is to be distinctly understood that the said foreign subjects seeking the protection under another flag shall forthwith register themselves in the Consulate of the nation that the flag represents and shall thenceforth be subject to and governed by the decision of the Consular Representative of the said nation” 

“We the undersigned according to the above paragraph have claimed British Protection”

Here follows the signatures

Document 1 | Document 2 | Document 3 | Document 4 | Document 5