October 2, 2023
Pereira Land and Titles Meeting
A family meeting took place on 9th September 2023
A family meeting took place on 9th September 2023 to discuss the path forward with regard to the entitlements available to the Pereira Family.
It was an informal assembly with a good number of representatives which was key to determine the next steps forward.
You may listen to the Audio captured here -> Pereira Family Meeting 9/9/23
- LOCATION: St Anne’s Catholic Church, Manurewa, Auckland
- CHAIR: Tofilau Michael Pereira
- ASSISTANT CHAIR: Tia So’opele Pereira
- INTERPRETER: Ron Pereira
- Family Representations: Sipili, Keiti, Faete, Ake, Sio and Mé
- Absent – Luisa, Keve
Minutes of the Meeting

Opening & Welcome
Tofilau Michael Pereira
Ephesians 4: verse 3-4 (NIV)
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;
Core message was the encouragement for us to live in peace with each other and as a family.
Closed off opening & welcome with a word of prayer.
Tofilau’s thoughts & statements were translated into English & shared with the family for the benefit of our non Samoan
speaking family by Ron Pereira – Fingers crossed I managed to achieve at least 90% accuracy
There were no formal apologies were tabled at the start of our meeting – 2 apologies were noted at the end.
Mika Patu – had work commitments on Saturday, apologies made through Paulo & Dan
Eugene & Danni Meredith – there had been some confusion over the FB generated timezone that had the wrong start
time of 2pm contributing to their late arrival. Apologies for the confusion & thank you Eugene & Danni.
General Discussion
While no formal agenda was presented prior to the meeting, the messaging around the titles had been posted on-line via FB.
The general discussion (for the most part) went well. Questions were asked & dialogue was encouraged but we needed to ensure we were
able to have some structure around our time management, and make sure all questions were answered as fully as possible.
Tofilau shared the need for current descendants to make use of their birthright to these titles, explained for us to proceed, we have top
register our interest & intent to the current Tofilau title holders in Samoa, the village elders & council.
We needed to pause and structure the conversation to ensure items were discussed & then family representatives were canvassed for their
thoughts, with the final action being a vote to support or not. The following was confirmed from the discussions.
The following items were confirmed by votes
Iva = 3 x Itu paepae
There are three itu paepae’s (familial descendants) in Iva – The Pereira family belong to the house of ‘Faleulu’
First steps for this to happen
We have to present our request & intentions the current high chiefs of the 3 itupaepae’s, village matai’s and elders in Iva
For this Tofilau Michael will head to Samoa around December / January to coincide with a major event being held in Iva
As Tofilau Michael will be representing the Pereira family in NZ, Australia & USA, he has asked for our support in creating a fundraiser to cover
the airfare, as well as enough donations / funds to put towards a Pereira donation towards the event in Iva, in December.
Event in Iva – December 2023
Fale Talimalo – Iva: Tofilau presented a back story of the construction of a fale talimalo (guest house – village facility hosting guests & village events)
It has cost the village in the vicinity of $200K. Tofilau Michael has made a donation on our behalf of $500.00
The fale talimalo is scheduled for its official opening in December 2023
It would be an opportunity to incorporate Tofilau Michaels attendance of the opening, submit a donation from the Pereira family and initiate
discussions of the titles during his visit to Samoa. this into an itinerary to add some weight / respect to our request.
Funding of Samoa visit in December
Tofilau Michael suggests a fundraiser to go towards our request for these titles by all the families who are interested and are participating
2 options for fundraising were offered: 1) Po Siva or a family dance night 2) A donation of a set amount for each family
Voting Results
Each family represented were asked to indicate their decision by way of voting / raising of hands for & against
YES – Support:
Sipili, Keiti, Faete, Sio, Me, Ake
Ake* – Eugene & Danni expressed their support at the end of our meeting – see “Apologies” above
Representatives from Luisa & Keve
Lomana representatives from Lomana’s family – Pesa & Leka indicated their non-support. No detailed explanation was sought
We respected their decisio
YES – support
Sipili, Keiti, Faete, Sio, Me
Ake* – Eugene & Danni expressed their support at the end of our meeting – see “Apologies” above
Representatives from Luisa & Keve
Lomana representative Laura clarified that while they respectfully withhold their participation in the titles, they would are happy to
revisit their contribution closer to the time – as family resources & abilities permit
Each family involved in the pursuit of the titles are to donate $500.00 – date of collection to be confirmed in the next 2 weeks.
Next Meeting
Tofilau to confirm our next meeting details, to be sooner rather than later given our time constraints – TBC in 2 weeks.
Lots to learn for the next meeting, but a great result in the end. Great to see some old faces & good to meet new ones.
Tofilau Michael Pereira for his work to see the descendants of the Pereira family pursue what is within their birthrights
Thanks to everyone that made the effort to be at the meeting
Thank you family for providing the amazing food & drinks
Thank you to the family team that worked in the kitchen and in our food preparation
Thank you to St Anne’s Catholic Church for the use of your hall
Vincent Pereira who travelled from Darwin to be at the meeting
Tennelle Luafalemanu (Me’s family line) from Carson City who’s here for business but made time for family.
Ephesians 4: verse 3-4 (NIV)
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;