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Cape Verde, Africa

How does Africa fit in with the Pereira Lineage

The Cape Verde, Africa Perspective

It is interesting to note that Antonio has been recorded as indicating that he is both Portuguese and from Cape Verde Islands, Africa. This would give gravity to the idea that his heritage is grounded in Portugal, meaning, the family’s time spent in Cape de Verde was of a reasonably short duration.

Register of British Subjects residing in Samoa. May 5th 1893 – LDS microfilm 1130492, British Consular records of Samoa

Curiously, there are a number of people missing from the list above, most notably José Maria Pereira who is recorded to be living in Tokelau. This would have to indicate that it is a census of sorts and records the people present at the time … 5th May 1893. It appears that everyone is living together in Savalalo including his second wife’s (Sinafoa) children as well as José’s child, Lafaele. Heneriko who has apparently passed away and Emanuel are listed as sons of someone else. It’s not very clear, however I have a suspicion that it might be from Jose’s other marriage to Moiki and I have made the change on our genealogy to reflect that since there was an ‘unknown’ boy recorded. Incidentally, it also appears that everyone identifies as of Portuguese heritage and therefore qualifies to receive British Protection

Microfilm. WPHC 4/IV 124/1892. Great Britain. High Commission for Western Pacific Islands. Western Pacific archives. 1877-1978. MSS & Archives 2003/1, Special Collections

In consideration of the earliest known officially recorded original birth place of our eldest known Patriarch, ‘Antonio Pereira Vitorino de Barros (1876), I have researched Cape Verde Islands of Africa, for any and all occurrences of the surnames of ‘Pereira’ and ‘de Barros’ in the hope of finding any relatives and/or historic documentation. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of the information in terms of birth and death records is written in Portuguese. Other records are difficult to discern and translate. What I have been able to discover was rather perplexing. However, for better or worse, I’ve tried not to tame the nature of the information uncovered.

It is well known that the labour of the slaves in the Cape Verde Islands primed a profitable trade with the African region which becomes known as Portuguese Guinea or the Slave Coast. The slaves work in the Cape Verde plantations, growing cotton and indigo in the fertile valleys. They are also employed in weaving and dying factories, where these commodities are transformed into cloth. The cloth is exchanged in Guinea for slaves. And the slaves are sold for cash to the slaving ships which pay regular visits to the Cape Verde Islands.

Within this context, it is likely that ‘Antonio Pereira Vitorino de Barros’ is the descendant of a Portuguese/African family that was involved to some extent in the commercialization and produce derived from slavery. His birth date given as January 1820 suggests his family may have been living a middle to upper-class lifestyle founded on the wealth obtained before the 18th century. Interestingly, his birth date indicated on the headstone of his gravesite is recorded as 20th May 1809, which I suggest is the most reliable source of information, given the documentation supplied to the British Consulate contains errors.