When he heard that he had left the school, the students of his grandchildren’s children came, each armed with a knife to help Pa, while the others were wounded. The horse was carrying a pile of coconuts, Pa was suffering a lot because Pa was eating them, but he couldn’t get tired of it, so he stayed there for a day or two, until the pain was over. his body parts were swollen, he was bitten by a bee and then he left, but not his behavior and his constant habit, singing in the Church in the morning and then seeing him walking in Paris, maybe because of his love in his family, he has increased his strength and his energy, in the efforts of the work of that land, because the land was very useful to his other relatives, they built their house where they lived alone, It is about ten square feet, covered with leaves, with wooden floors, while the windows are made of polypola, and then it is the days when the land starts to grow.
of Antonio-Keve in Tapatapao, then the land of Faifeau was taken back, probably because a land was found through one of his children where his family could rest and work, and not only that He was at peace and calm, because his life and body were dying, but he couldn’t stop singing in church every morning.
in the days when Iuliana-Me and Vaa Luafalemana and their children returned to Samoa to prepare for their trip to America, the day of their departure had arrived, and then there would be four departures and four ‘bags are traveling with signs of love, crying and sorrow, because the family has left a dear old man with tears and sorrowful hearts, since the relationship with the children has been broken.
And then when Antonio-Keve is about to travel to Aotearoa-New Zealand, he says goodbye and says goodbye again like a storm, the tears shed in the face. sad love because of the warm relationship with his brothers and sisters, especially his beloved parents. In 1954 he left Samoa for Aotearoa-New Zealand. from today. Maybe these farewells were full of happiness, sadness, love, and tears in the whole family, especially Pa and Mã,
Pa’s heart is still strong while Ma’s heart is weak. and the things that have affected his body, he is no longer able to walk anymore, he just stays at home. 1956 he slept peacefully when death came, he was 76 years old and Pa was 80 years old, there are some of the family who migrated from Aotearoa whose age is not certain. In the year 1957, Akenese and Vave Felise Meleisea traveled to Aotearoa, and the family in Aotearoa is gradually disappearing. at mass every morning as usual, no matter what work he is doing, when he hears Angelo’s call, he stops his work and says a prayer.
Angelo, woe to Pa, his body is a bit weak, my body is weak and I can’t walk, my love, my manam, where is Lovine, you are a diamond 59 seeds of our relationship will always be remembered as the love that started it, but now I’m going to bed, when I listen to my names of the trees and then I slept peacefully. 1964 came. the call of Death and Death.
Those days when I was staying at the Pastor’s place in Mulivai, the very days of mourning for the Pastor in Moamoa, when it was announced that Lafaele had died (Dead) that same morning Father Pio came. Stop me from saying the mass that same morning, the mass is over and I’m going to leave. I was doing the prayer (guardian) and then I went to the back, I prayed in the oven that was done that same day, while I was still doing the prayer when the car stopped to go. The sailor of the ship (thor) then put down my bow and I came to meet him, then he said that at six o’clock this evening you will report on the ship, but Go now … [continue next page]